Type Personal Insurance

How to tell what electrical system you have?

Cracking the Code: Demystifying Your Home’s Electrical System Your home’s electrical system silently powers everything from your morning coffee maker to your evening Netflix binge. But when it comes to troubleshooting, repairs, or upgrades, understanding the system’s soul becomes crucial.…

Defensive Driving Course

Link to www.ddnj.net Brake for Safety: How to Take a Defensive Driving Course and Boost Your Skills Traffic can be a jungle, and navigating it safely requires more than just knowing the rules of the road. Defensive driving is an essential…

How does mileage affect my policy?

1. Impact of Mileage: The more you drive, the higher your risk of accidents, so insurance companies typically charge higher premiums for higher mileage. Conversely, driving less can lead to lower premiums due to a reduced risk factor. 2. Verifying…

Why are vacant policies so expensive?

1. Higher risk of damage: Empty homes are more susceptible to vandalism, theft, and water leaks because no one’s there to catch and address problems quickly. Think broken windows, burst pipes, or squatters causing havoc.  2. Slower detection and repair:…

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